
Northern Breakwater Rehabilitation

Overview and Scope  The works broardly consisted of construction of a revetment overlay, at 1V to 1.9H at 7.6m offset from an NQBP crest chainage line and included: – Fill below MSL with either 160 –600kg rock or 10 – 40kg rock;– Addition of 1 or 2 layers of 160 – 600kg rock with 5 […]

Moranbah Landfill Lined Cell #2

Scope • Construction of 3.2ha lined landfill cell (315,000m³ volume) • Establish and maintain erosion and sediment control for the works area. • Earthworks and civil construction required for the new landfill cell, expansion of stormwater basin, drainage and diversion structures and access roads. • Supply and install groundwater drainage system. • Supply and install […]

Haughton Solar Farm

Scope Vassallo Constructions was engaged by Pacific Hydro for their Haughton Solar Farm project located within the Burdekin Shire Council. The project will include roadworks, drainage systems, bridge widening and the construction of civil infrastructure for their facility. The project was completed on time. Image Gallery

Gailbraith Park Estate – Stage 6

Scope Under all civil infrastructure works for the extension of Gailbraith Park Estate. Manage electrical contractor and co-ordination of construction programme with client and supervising engineer, Premise. Overview Vassallo Constructions was engaged by the developer to construct Stage 6 of Gailbraith Park Estate in the Whitsunday. A full crew was mobilised and completed the project […]

Seaforth Creek Bank Protection

Scope – Undertake bank stabilisation work at Seaforth Creek to prevent further creek erosion. – Co-ordinate traffic control and traffic management for Poinciana Avenue. – Co-ordinate and engage with local stakeholders to ensure recreational use of the creek could still occur during construction. Overview Mackay Regional Council engaged Vassallo Constructions to undertake bank stabilisation works […]

Bayersville Landfill Remediation

Mackay Regional Council commissioned Vassallo Constructions to undertake environmental remediation on a disused landfill site. The proposal accepted by council entailed profiling the site, capping with a Geosynthetic clay material and then overlaying with an imported clay layer to form an impervious cover to an area approximately 176,000m2. A leachate trench was installed at the […]

Kippen Street Beach Outlet

The Kippen Street Beach Outlet project is located in a Coastal Management District and needed special planning as it is predisposed to tidal influx. An outlet drainage was constructed within the Shellgrit Creek catchment in East Mackay. This will assist in preventing future flooding and minimise the risk of a storm surge event impacting properties. […]

Sichter Street Slope Remediation

During the 2017 Severe Tropical Cyclone Debbie, a section of the bank of Plane Creek was washed away,taking with it a portion of a residential street. Vassallo Constructions was awarded the contract to stabilise the existing bank, dewater, excavate and construct a keyed foundation within Plane Creek and installed a stabilised, rock mulched batter and […]

DBCT Quarry to Dam Rail Loop Pipeline

Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal implemented a Water Quality Improvement project to enhance the management of water on site. Vassallo Constructions were awarded the contract to supply and install a pump station and valve pit at the Rail Receival Dam and supply and install of approximately 1350m of 800mm diameter PE pipeline. Underbores were required to […]

DBCT Industrial Dam & Pipeline Upgrade

Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal implemented a Water Quality Improvement project to enhance the management of water onsite. Vassallo Constructions was awarded the contract of construction and modification of numerous concrete and earthworks structures within the industrial dam and coal collection pits in the stockyards, as well as the installation of an 800mm diameter HDPE pipeline […]