
Northern Breakwater Rehabilitation

Overview and Scope  The works broardly consisted of construction of a revetment overlay, at 1V to 1.9H at 7.6m offset from an NQBP crest chainage line and included: – Fill below MSL with either 160 –600kg rock or 10 – 40kg rock;– Addition of 1 or 2 layers of 160 – 600kg rock with 5 […]

Shute Harbour Boat Ramp

Scope Widening of existing boat ramp to accommodate new precast deck panels; Hand placed stone pitched batter protection installed to revetment wall and install scour protection using divers to join panels below low tide level; Comply with stringent environmental requirements for works within designated the marine park environment; Co-ordination with tourism operators to enable continued […]

DBCT Quarry to Dam Rail Loop Pipeline

Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal implemented a Water Quality Improvement project to enhance the management of water on site. Vassallo Constructions were awarded the contract to supply and install a pump station and valve pit at the Rail Receival Dam and supply and install of approximately 1350m of 800mm diameter PE pipeline. Underbores were required to […]

DBCT Industrial Dam & Pipeline Upgrade

Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal implemented a Water Quality Improvement project to enhance the management of water onsite. Vassallo Constructions was awarded the contract of construction and modification of numerous concrete and earthworks structures within the industrial dam and coal collection pits in the stockyards, as well as the installation of an 800mm diameter HDPE pipeline […]

DBCT L1 Roadworks Project

Vassallo Constructions were engaged by Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal to reconstruct the existing sealed L1 roadway located at the northern end of the eight coal stockyards at the terminal. The work involved construction of new kerb and a concrete edge beam for the extent of the 550m roadway, to protect the new asphalt surface. Works […]

HTTH Civil Construction Project

Provision of Contract Preliminaries; Mobilsation to Site with plant, equipment, materials and personnel capable of completing Works; Completion of onsite Works including: Concrete kerbing repairs, sweeping of bitumen seal, construction of Handstands, Bitumen sealing, Construction of tiedown headstocks and roofing Demobilisation from site Provision of Contract Completion Requirements Image Gallery

Tug Harbour Breakwater Reconstruction

The causeway and breakwater at the Half Tide Tug Harbour suffered damage from Cyclone Debbie in 2017. North Queensland Bulk Ports awarded the contract for the placement of new armour rock to Vassallo Constructions. Over 9,500 tonnes of armour rock were used for this project. Due to volume and quality control requirements, we coordinated with […]