
Shute Harbour Marine Terminal

Nestled between the rainforest and the sea, close to the tourism and sailing mecca of Airlie Beach and the internationally acclaimed Whitsunday Islands, the deep natural inlet of Shute Harbor has been a thriving port since the early 1960’s. However, the facility was extensively damaged by Tropical Cyclone Debbie in March 2017 and lay in […]

Seaforth Esplanade Redevelopment

Overview and Scope Vassallo Constructions were awarded the Seaforth Esplanade Reserve Redevelopment by Mackay Regional Council, to upgrade the facilities at the Seaforth foreshore. The works involved construction of a tidal splash park with wading area and associated plant room including a gas chlorination facility. In addition to this is two separate playground areas, shelters […]

Woodlands District Park

Scope – Demolition and replacement of stormwater headwall involving a new customised stormwater headwall with custom bends of steel. – Installation of 3 x footbridges, 1 x viewing platform and 2 picnic shelters. – Undertake the entire project within the 4-month programme during the wet season. – Excavate and trim open channel for 6,000 wetland plantings. […]

Gailbraith Park Estate – Stage 6

Scope Under all civil infrastructure works for the extension of Gailbraith Park Estate. Manage electrical contractor and co-ordination of construction programme with client and supervising engineer, Premise. Overview Vassallo Constructions was engaged by the developer to construct Stage 6 of Gailbraith Park Estate in the Whitsunday. A full crew was mobilised and completed the project […]

Richmond Hills Estate Village Park

Scope Undertake Principal Contractor for all land development works including water reticulation, sewer reticulation, stormwater, drainage paths, roads, electrical and NBN reticulation and landscaping. Construction of a village park (circa 3,000m2 regional park). New intersection on state-controlled road (Mackay-Habana Road). Undertake over 300,000m3 of bulk earthworks including shaping residential allotments on steep land. Construction of […]

Tourism Centre Upgrade – Sarina

Sarina is home to the Field of Dreams Parklands and in 2017 Mackay Regional Council decided to upgrade the facility to incorporate the Mackay Tourism Information Centre. Vassallo Constructions was awarded the tender to install new footpaths, a car park and turnaround area and new landscaping on the brownfield site. Our part of the project […]

Kippen Street Beach Outlet

The Kippen Street Beach Outlet project is located in a Coastal Management District and needed special planning as it is predisposed to tidal influx. An outlet drainage was constructed within the Shellgrit Creek catchment in East Mackay. This will assist in preventing future flooding and minimise the risk of a storm surge event impacting properties. […]

Northern Beaches Shared Pathways

The Willetts Road and Sams Road intersection of Mackay services The Mater Hospital, Day Surgery, a Child Care Centre and a number of specialty stores. The Shared Pathway project included installing foot and bike paths, pedestrian handrails and upgrading the associated roads. Community liaison was carried out throughout the project to ensure business access was […]

Sichter Street Slope Remediation

During the 2017 Severe Tropical Cyclone Debbie, a section of the bank of Plane Creek was washed away,taking with it a portion of a residential street. Vassallo Constructions was awarded the contract to stabilise the existing bank, dewater, excavate and construct a keyed foundation within Plane Creek and installed a stabilised, rock mulched batter and […]

Willetts Road Pathways – North Mackay

The Willetts Road and Sams Road intersection of Mackay services The Mater Hospital, Day Surgery, a Child Care Centre and a number of specialty stores. The Shared Pathway project included installing foot and bike paths, pedestrian handrails and upgrading the associated roads. Community liaison was carried out throughout the project to ensure business access was […]