
Seaforth Esplanade Redevelopment

Overview and Scope Vassallo Constructions were awarded the Seaforth Esplanade Reserve Redevelopment by Mackay Regional Council, to upgrade the facilities at the Seaforth foreshore. The works involved construction of a tidal splash park with wading area and associated plant room including a gas chlorination facility. In addition to this is two separate playground areas, shelters […]

Frenchmans Creek Bridge Project

Located in Rockhampton the Frenchmans Creek Bridge Replacement project commenced early November 2019. The project involves a new bridge construction, demolition of the existing bridge, construction of median islands, cycle paths and associated earthwork and drainage for the project.  Frenchman Creek Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEotbm9GoqI&list=PLfJdXkjfB2CA4PrbtwkESqTxkmPeDlwP-&index=2 Image Gallery

Gailbraith Park Estate – Stage 6

Scope Under all civil infrastructure works for the extension of Gailbraith Park Estate. Manage electrical contractor and co-ordination of construction programme with client and supervising engineer, Premise. Overview Vassallo Constructions was engaged by the developer to construct Stage 6 of Gailbraith Park Estate in the Whitsunday. A full crew was mobilised and completed the project […]

Raw Water Pipeline Project

The Raw Water Pipelines Relocation project was a part of the federally funded Mackay Ring Road Project. The project entailed relocating two water mains to new service corridors prior to works commencing on the Mackay Ring Road project. Vassallo Constructions commenced work in March 2017 and completed the project in September 2017. Image Gallery

Evans Avenue Rehabilitation

Evans Avenue is a busy thoroughfare and small business precinct.  The project consisted of full width road rehabilitation whilst maintaining traffic flow in both directions and retaining access to the local businesses.   Vassallo Constructions in conjunction with Mackay Regional Council undertook extensive liaison with stakeholders to ensure disruption was minimised. To reduce the impact, stabilisation […]

Paradise and Archibald Street Intersection

Archibald Street is one of the two main access points in to the Paget Industrial Area and is a designated B-Double truck route. It services a large volume of the precinct traffic both day and night.  Vassallo’s approach to traffic management was crucial to the successful delivery of the project. An innovative “peanut shaped roundabout” […]

DBCT Quarry to Dam Rail Loop Pipeline

Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal implemented a Water Quality Improvement project to enhance the management of water on site. Vassallo Constructions were awarded the contract to supply and install a pump station and valve pit at the Rail Receival Dam and supply and install of approximately 1350m of 800mm diameter PE pipeline. Underbores were required to […]

DBCT Industrial Dam & Pipeline Upgrade

Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal implemented a Water Quality Improvement project to enhance the management of water onsite. Vassallo Constructions was awarded the contract of construction and modification of numerous concrete and earthworks structures within the industrial dam and coal collection pits in the stockyards, as well as the installation of an 800mm diameter HDPE pipeline […]

Marian Bagasses and Mud Ash Pads

As part of Mackay Sugar Cogeneration construction, the Marian mill required bagasse and mud ash pads to be constructed for surplus product. Set on seven hectares of poor ground, Vassallo Construction completed this bulk earthworks project in time for their crushing season. The client made some significant increases to the scope during construction including the […]

Kippen St Beach Outlet & Flood Gates

The Kippen Street Beach Outlet project is located in a Coastal Management District and needed special planning as it is predisposed to tidal influx. An outlet drainage was constructed within the Shellgrit Creek catchment in East Mackay. This will assist in preventing future flooding and minimise the risk of a storm surge event impacting properties. […]